Store Spotlight - BB One

“Store Spotlight” is a mini project we work on here in Roni Rabl where we showcase our stores and their owners, with the goal in mind to learn and share about how to make a fashion store successful.

And today we’re featuring Trish fromBB One.

Q. What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?

A. Coffee ice cream

Q. What’s your birth date?

A. November 7

Q. What made you become a store owner?

A. I grew up in the rag trade my parents where manufacturers and retailers. I became a textile engineer in Vienna Austria. Visited family in South Africa, married then opened my first children’s store, had three. After moving to the US I went back into woman’s fashion

Q. What is the most important tip you can give someone who is about to open a store?

A. Location! Do your research don’t rush mistakes are very expensive!When you have a good run put money aside for the slow time or you will have many sleepless nights or worse!Be prepared for long hours it is never ending you will be working in some way all the time. You need to get to know your customers…give them a reason why they should be shopping with you.You must love it!!! don’t do it for the wrong reasons!

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